Recent Posts
May 18, 2020
Legacy : a great mentorship for dev !
Today I want to talk about a topic that is present in a developer's life : legacy.
May 03, 2020
Create rails app using docker in 5 steps
If you want to create a new Rails application using docker, and keep it simple, these lines will help you.
April 14, 2020
Rails : How to preview Office files ?
We use to work with CSV or PDF files when we talk about web apps. CSV are easy to use and edit after exportation (we can also easily create them), PDF are easy to read and and pretty much a standard. But when we have to deal with `.docx`, `.xslx` or similar formats, things get complicated.
March 05, 2020
Docket : connect to your docker's container easily !
I'll introduce you today a tool helping you to connect to docker containers quickly and easily using CLI.
March 01, 2020
Invisible Captcha : how to avoid spam in Rails
If you got a public website and you got a form that can be edited from users (like a contact form for example), you will get spammed every day. How to deal with it ?